Iswara speedometer pointer stays at 60rpm when car is stationary.

Asked by kyappc Jul 09, 2014 at 04:38 AM about the Proton Iswara

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My Iswara speedometer pointer does not stay at 0 rpm after I tried to remove a dead
cockroach which got stuck in the mileage dial. Now it points at 60 rpm, anyway of settin it
back to 0 rpm ??

1 Answer


did you get the roach out- man, I hate it when that happens- these gauges are the cheapest things, these days- they used to put REAL gauges in cars, but NO- not anymore- load the plastic cars down with the cheapest components possible- so, I'm guessin that you tweaked the thing and there may not be any way to reset it- you have it out, eyeballin' it- you should be able to see if there is an adjustment somewhere, but I doubt it- keep tryin'- the worst that can happen is that you have to get a new one from the dealer- and they charge you 20 times what it's worth-

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